Reset or Exit VASCilia

Reset or Exit VASCilia#

This module provides functionalities to reset or exit the VASCilia environment. It ensures that all necessary states and configurations are cleared or properly saved before exiting.

### Methods

#### exit_button()

  • Purpose: Closes the Napari viewer and clears all associated layers.

  • Usage: - This method is called when the user wants to exit the application.

#### reset_button()

  • Purpose: Resets all plugin configurations, states, and loaded data.

  • Details:

    • Clears all viewer layers.

    • Resets plugin attributes such as: - Analysis stage - File paths - Loaded volumes - Clustering data - Measurement and annotation data

    • Resets the state of the UI components like loading labels and text.

    • Prepares the environment for a fresh analysis session.

Extending the Functionality#

To add or modify functionality, edit the following files:


reset_exit Action Example